LEGION Simulator Help

Camera Aspect Ratio

These options provide the default aspect ratio (i.e., the proportions of a Camera’s rectangular shape) for all new Cameras added to a project. This includes the system-default Whole Model Camera, which is automatically fitted to the model’s extents while respecting the default aspect ratio.
Tip: the initial default ratio is 16:9.
  1. To set the default Camera aspect ratio, choose an option from the ‘Camera Aspect Ratio’ drop-down.
    1. Preset ratios are 16:9, 21:9 and 4:3. These can be selected from the drop-down. A custom ratio can also be defined if a preset ratio is not suitable.
    2. To enter a custom ratio, select “Custom” from the drop-down, then enter the ratio in the adjacent box.
      • The ratio must be in the form x:y and each side can have up to two decimal places. Only numbers, decimal separator (dot or comma, depending on locale) and the colon character may be entered. Fractional values up to two decimal places are permitted (e.g., 3.14:5.9).
      • If the entered ratio is invalid for any reason, the box is highlighted with a red border. For example, here the lefthand side of the ratio is missing:
  2. To quickly use the Camera aspect ratio for images and videos, click the button ‘Use this for Images and Videos’.